The success that Massimo Giletti has enjoyed as a TV presenter and journalist since the beginning of his career is hardly surprising.

Effervescent sensations between Lamberto Gancia and his friend Paolo Pininfarina.

We have chased each other for a long time and, finally, the opportunity for a quiet chat has now materialized almost unexpectedly. After all, the life of Cesare Baldrighi has always been a continual race from one commitment to another.

We meet Domizio Pigna, from whom we try to extract an idea of the experiences that life has given him as president of a big cooperative, since 1997.

Thank you from deep inside our hearts, our eyes and our minds. Thank you for more than 40 years: we have been doing this since FAI, the acronym for the Italian Heritage Fund, was created as an act of love and respect for Italy. It is a precious and irreplaceable non-profit institution, which has been recognised by the Italian state, which protects and enhances the incredible and unique historical, …

As President of ENIT, you have spoken many times in recent months of the need to reposition Italy’s international image. However, as you have also insisted that this image still remains remarkably solid, in what terms do you plan to manage this repositioning process? Enit – the body entrusted with the task of promoting tourism – is already lending its hand, in conjunction with Mibact, with its own structured …